Always make sure to run the CLI as ADMIN to avoid any possible errors!

You can start multiple CLI instances. If you do it you will see that just one will be considered as Master, other ones will be considered as Peer.

Master instances

Are responsible of accepting quicktasks, serving our built-in harvesters and coordinating your browser instances with all utilities we always offered.

If you need to mirror a link, bootstrap your chrome instances at once and do what you are used to do with our CLI just run it here.

Peer instances

Also considered as standalone ones, are simple instances that will run CLI modules. They are context isolated. They will not comunicated with any chrome extension running on your instances. Consider them like continers that can only run tasks. Nothing more.

For general use, it is necessary to use the CLI on some sites - watch what we tell you. The main function is the use of multi-instances.

Last updated