
You can use these in real-life too!

  1. Have respect for each other. Everyone started somewhere.

  2. Do not spam any channel on our server.

  3. You are not allowed to use any offending words / racist terms - this also goes for your nickname and avatar.

  4. Do not post any adult / explicit / controversial graphics or messages in our Discord.

  5. Do not share your key / Discord account with anyone. Break this rule and your access will be revoked without warning.

  6. If there is any issue please make sure to use our ticket system. This is the best way to find a solution.

  7. All keys are non-rentable / non-unbindable / non-sellable.

  8. Do not share anything to anyone besides your private success webhook. Do not take any screenshots, videos or other stuff from PepperScripts and share it with someone else. Doing so will result in you losing your key without warning!

Last updated