LuisaViaRoma (LVR)


You need to have a LuisaViaRoma account. You should also must have set up your default shipping and billing address. You could do that by visiting your address book settings.

You have to be logged in to your LuisaViaRoma account!

It is advised to log out/ clear cookies and login the night before an announced drop.


When you open the LuisaViaRoma module you'll see the following screen.

There are two modes: Requests mode and Gift mode - currently, Requests mode is the one you have to run! Gift mode (referring to the "gift" option of LVR) is often disabled on drops.

Requests mode options: Enter up to 3 workers to determine how many parallel tasks should be running. Putting 2 or 3 can result in a soft-ban in the worst case but from our experience 3 works just fine for now.

Be aware that LVR is currently rate limiting very hard, so for maximum chances you should run different Pepper instances with Proxies!

Auto start on product page can be disabled if you don't want Pepper to automatically run the product once you open a new product page. This can be useful if you want to prepare you want to change your multicart settings (available in the Pepper toolbar when visiting a product page on LVR). If you disable this setting you will have to press the "FORCE START" button in your Pepper toolbar to start your checkout process once you are visiting a product page.

Define a default multicart size that pepper will use once it has carted an item!

If you want pepper to not just cart, but also buy the product you chose, you need to check the field "Finalize Checkout" (this should always be activated for LVR).

Loop once completed means that once all concurrent workers have checked out Pepper will restart them automatically. Keep this activated as well because most of the time you want as many checkouts as possible.

How does the Requests mode work?

If the Product you want to buy is in stock, Pepper will try to cart the product 20 times. If carting is successful, Pepper will start the checkout process and pay with the desired way of payment. If carting is not successful after 20 tries, Pepper will reload the product page and start over.

If Pepper is in the state that the server answers with uncartable once it tries to cart, this could be due to being cached. We advise you to reload the product page once you see monitor activity or checkouts coming in.

If the Product you want to buy is not in stock, Pepper will automatically start monitoring the product.

The automatic monitor mode will check every X seconds (see settings below), if the Product available to purchase.

Earlier we already talked about multicarts on LVR - but what exactly does this mean?

Just as on Zalando, you can put a high number of items in your cart and during checkout only the really available number of items will be checked out - ignoring the non-available quantity.

In the multicart settings which are available in the Pepper toolbar when visiting any product page on LVR, you can define a number between 0 (empty) and 5. This setting will be saved for every different product individually once you press the "SAVE" button right next to it! This setting will be stored forever - but you can overwrite it with a new value whenever you like. The global multicart option is settable next to the workers amount.

The Pepper toolbar also lets you clear your cart and sync your cart with something you carted via the LVR app!


First choose your desired Profile.

For payment method: please use PayPal as a preferred option as CAD (cash in advance) is often disabled during hyped drops. You can permanently link your PayPal account to your LVR account by doing a dummy checkout manually, paying with PayPal and cancelling the order right after it. During the checkout process you will find a box to save your payment option.

The Monitor Delay will determine in which timeframes Pepper will check if a product is available to purchase. The number entered is in milliseconds. For example: 2500 milliseconds are 2,5 seconds.

About desired sizes you can:

  • leave Pepper to randomly choose an available size to cart (if you want Pepper that carts for you) by leaving this field empty

  • let Pepper choose the first available size by putting FA

  • let Pepper choose the last available size by putting LA

  • let Pepper choose all sizes between a range that you specify by putting something like 36-44

  • let Pepper choose one size available between some specific sizes that you specified by putting something like 42, 43, 41.4, 36 and so on.

Last updated

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