Common issues
Make sure you checked this section of the guide before we hit you with the evil :checkguide: emote in the chat...! ;-)
Here you will find the most common issues while using Pepper - the solution we present helps in 99% of the cases. If you have followed the possible solution and it does not solve your problem: you belong to the unlucky 1% - please open a ticket!
Always make sure first that you are using the latest version of Pepper (+ refresh in Chrome) and that your Pepper instance is active (= does not need to be reset when you click on the icon). Please use the search function of your browser to find a matching issue more easily.
Updater errors
I get "challenge expired" or "bad request" error when running my updater / CLI. Solution: Synchronize your pc time and try again.
"Request failed with status code 403" Solution: Log into the whop dashboard once in a while so your license is linked to their system.
"EPERM: operation not permitted, unlink 'C:\Users\[username]\[savedPlace]\[foldername]/pepper-cli.exe'" Solution: Close the CLI while updating.
"Bad CPU" (Mac error) Solution: you need to download Rosetta A way to install Rosetta 2 on the Mac is by using the softwareupdate command line tool. Input the following:
softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license
CLI errors
"[ERROR] Some settings are missing. Please run the cli as Administrator in order to fix all issues." Solution: Open the hosts file located in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc as administrator with notepad. Add the following lines to the file:
"segmentation fault" (Mac error) Solution: Catalina and Mohave can't run the CLI. Update it.
Copy & Paste with Ctrl+V is not working for me in the CLI. Solution: You can either use the right-click of your mouse to paste or open the Windows terminal options by clicking the title bar of the CLI, select properties and check the box that says "Enable Ctrl+Shift+C/V". Now you can paste your link by using the combination Ctrl+Shift+V.
Pro:Direct Soccer errors
"Why is it loading so long/ what is this error?" Solution: The site is full of bot tasks, please keep trying as it will eventually work. Most errors come from the site being fried.
"There is a problem with the items in your cart" Solution: The size is either out of stock or the checkout is locked. Try a different one!
"The phone number jig only inputs 3 numbers? Why?" Solution: Fix your pepper profile. You need to input the amount of X's that a normal phone number contains in that country so that pepper can replace them. So put something like +4402XXXXXXX
Address error (e.g. no delivery options for your address available) Solution: Retype your address -> if that doesn't help then try changing the address slightly. The best method is to always use new accounts on droptime.
Payment error Solution: Open multiple checkout tabs (not too many!) and keep trying.
"Open the CLI" error even though the CLI is running Solution: Reopen your cli and chrome user(s).
"Unable to add to cart" / "undefined" Solution: Keep trying, site is fried due to all the bots running.
Paid, but no order confirmation Solution: Be logged in and go to or (depends on which site the drop took place). Input your order ID after the equal sign. If you have no clue where to find your order ID, go to your order history tab on the site.
"Unable to parse right informations from given pid. Aborting." Solution: Be sure to be on the newest update. If you are, then we probably paused sauce. Pausing the sauce should be only if we noticed weird activity, but you'll be notified if that happens.
"Add to cart failed (403). Generic error" Solution: This is a cookie/ Akamai issue. Log out and back in again. Also try visiting any instock non hyped product, wait until available sizes are shown and retry the hyped checkout.
"Add to cart failed (200). Generic error" Solution: Clear your cart and try again!
LuisaViaRoma (LVR) errors
Productpage is not visible Solution: Clear cookies and login. You likely have clicked on a cached link or were on the productpage before it was live, therefor they have locked you up via cookies.
"No response from remote backend" Solution: Clear cookies and login. This happens from time to time - nothing you did wrong.
"Checkout attemmpt #X failed. Zip code incorrect. Retrying" even though the Zip is fine
Solution: Please check your Pepper profile and retype everything with correct capitalization. Pepper automatically shows every new word as capitalized but you need to be sure that everything is correctly typed. Example: You type barcelona
and Pepper shows it as Barcelona
❌; Input it correctly as Barcelona from the scratch.
Zalando errors
Zalando module shows unable to cart message during the beginning of a drop. Solution: Nothing we can do - this is Zalando locking the ATC for you.
Error 429 Solution: Keep running if you are sure your account is cartable. This is a rate limit that hinders instant carting, it will open up for one account after another.
Error 403 Solution: This is an Akamai/ Cookie error. Refresh, farm new cookies or change your IP.
General errors
Everytime you start Pepper you have to reset your key. Solution: Your external (= Internet, not LAN) IP has changed. Usually your internet provider resets your IP every night automatically - you can't change that. Just add resetting Pepper every morning to your daily workflow!
Solebox / Snipes / Onygo does not continue during step XYZ...? Solution: PX blocked you! Whenever you get stuck on Demandware sites with PX you can try following options (or a combination of them)... a) switch to a different Pepper instance b) switch your IP c) delete your cookies During "Hard PX protection" (drop) make sure to always use the Human mode of the module.
Last updated
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